Wednesday 30 August 2017

Cyber events in Kenya

In my opinion,

Many approaches to KDD (knowledge discovery in the database) are used to identify valid and useful patterns in data. This would include varying automated solution such as data mining or even log analysis, but this is a minimal approach. There are several frameworks that revolve around forensic audit - just to mention a few - COBIT, FISMA, NIST etc.

With only 4 hours it would be very difficult to come up with a report that is substantive and acceptable and labeled as expert opinion.

It would have been interesting to also read discovery of any SQL injections or cross scripting attack that may have hibernated the suggested 11% algorithms.
The "bomas triangle". This explanation suggested a TOCTOU attack where an attacker can influence time between system check and use. Also known as a race condition. In English going in between and taking advantage of the pulse of the moment. 

Did anyone think and confirm the possibility of a planted stealth software by experts? Otherwise known as a rootkit?

In my opinion, the courts did not have time and capacity to do an above average IT audit.

One caveat with my small brain, serious bad guys do not leave foot prints. They are that good.

In my submission, my FB friends, The concept of hacking is either a myth or extremely amateurish.

This is my contribution as an interested citizen.

I suggest the law fraternity get interested in cyber security as other security arms are currently doing. Kenya is undisputed one among equal of the digital nations league globally. More and more cyber event cases will be presented in courts and ignorance will not be an excuse to justice.

Again, the above is just an opinion from my angle of looking at digital nine. from the other side, it could be 6 and from my side, it still remains a 9 until I cross on the other sides.

Friends - let us see each other on the other sides.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Peace is Possible among all who Reign on Earth.

The basic difference between people is their conception of God and in the means by which people discern the faith which animates them. These difference being mainly connected to the influence that religion has on them. 

If everyone were to behave according to the most positive aspects of their faith, peace would reign among all people on earth.

Monday 22 May 2017

To non-Muslims - You can say Ramadhan Mubarak. It means blessed Ramadhan.

Having been on the coast of Kenya since childhood, where Islam is predominantly practiced – I have all the reasons to look forward to this season. More so, my friends Said Masud, Robley Muktar, Hussein Gure, Faisel Ibrahim and many others – in their teen years, fasted with so much passion in our dormitory – to my great admiration at a very early age.  

Believe it all not, during Ramadhan, if you are attentive, you cannot fail to feel a great air charged with divinity. You feel it everywhere. Every soul is converted. Not even politics or business comes first. Everything is kept aside and what takes a center stage is prayers, the faithful are literary brought closer to God. They donate to charities and feed the hungry according to own means. They use their time to recite the Koran. They exercise self-restraint. The positive energy vibrates and affects even the non-Muslims. The feeling of the thirty days for a keenly observing non-Muslim is amazingly ecstatic. Unfortunately, I will miss Mombasa during this year fasting season. How I have wished every day was a Ramadhan.

By now you must have figured out, Ramadan isn't like Christmas as in you know exactly when it'll fall. It bounces around because the Islamic calendar is lunar. When it begins depends on when the new moon is seen. That's why the precise dates change from year to year. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 synodic months is only 12 x 29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter than a tropical year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Christian calendar. Interestingly and unknown to many people, The Muslim calendar has a 30-year cycle with 11 leap years of 355 days and 19 years of 354 days. In the long term, it is accurate to one day in about 2,500 years. It also deviates up to about one or two days in the short term.

Ramadhan in 2016 started on June 6th and ended on Tuesday, July 2016. This year, it will begin on the evening of Friday, May 26 and ends on the evening of Saturday, June 24. Dates may vary.

What is Ramadhan? In summary – It is the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which strict fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset. This is in keeping with a divine commandment documented in Chapter 2, Verse 185 of the Holy Qur'an.

Why Ramadhan? - Muslims often donate to charities and feed the hungry during Ramadan. ... Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, along with the Muslim declaration of faith, daily prayer, charity, and performing the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.
Typically, the start of the month is welcomed with the greeting of "Ramadan kareem!" Another hallmark of Ramadan is nightly prayer at the mosque called "taraweeh."

As nonmuslims, –

·         *  If you are invited for Iftar, join in gladness. they love to share even if you never fasted.

·         * Don’t talk about losing weight – Ramadhan has nothing to do with it. If anything, care is taken not to add weight because one may tend to eat a little bit more than the body can handle in the evening.

·        *  If you can, join them for a fast – you will probably have a little glimpse of what your friends and colleague to through.

·         * They are committed to being in a meditative mood of divine reflection. Be sensitive to the topic you bring up.

* You can say, Ramadhan Mubarak. It means blessed Ramadhan. You can also say, Ramadhan Kareem. Which wish the recipient a blessed or generous Ramadan. It’s a good thing to say. It’s a good thing to say.

Next, I hope I will give you a brief summary of who is a Muslimun (Moslem), which literally means “Those submitting their souls to God.”

 wishing all my Swahibas ,  Muslim brothers and sister, a blessed Ramadhan.

Paul Kihiu Njuguna

Friday 5 May 2017

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Mohammed Hersi and the love for Kenya and its dreams.

Mohammed Hersi is not a politician - At times I wish he was!

Hersi has such an amazing passion for Kenya and his optimism mantra can not go unnoticed in all his posting.

"As always despite the challenges I choose to remain an optimist."

Early this week over lunch - my friends and I spent some few minutes discussing his passion and definitely in appreciation of what he does for Kenya in the social forum. 

I'm humbled to take you through a few of his postings done in 2017.

Enjoy great moments of Kenya through the optimistic eye of Mohammed Hersi.

Mohammed Hersi Passion for Kenya.

Beach recreation in Mombasa
Camels on the coastal beaches of Kenya.

Somewhere in Lake Turkana - a place of black gold!

Lake Turkana - a must return

Lake Turkana excursions

Nairobi Upper Hill
Upper Hills - Nairobi.

port selling in Mombasa.

Tea plantation in Kenya

Pride of Africa - kujivunia ndege zetu.

Awesome ! awesome and awesome sunset and the Kenya coast.

School activities in Mombasa - Nyali. Primary

Cruise ship docking in Mombasa.


If you like it crown it.

Machakos county - talk of Kenya.

Tsavo West

Bamburi - Nature walk - butterfly Pavillion.

Taita Taveta new road

Kenya's pride and joy - SGR terminal

widened links road in Nyali.

Modern hotel in Kisumu

Lake victoria in Kenya.

Island on Lake Victoria- Rusinga Island.

Maasai Mara


rusinga Island - lake Victoria Kenya.

SGR - Mombasa terminal - Kenya's pride and joy.

SGR Railway Terminal in Mombasa.

Porini village in Kikambala - Kilifi - Kenya coast.

Sunset - Rusinga Island - Lake victoria Kenya.

I hope you have enjoyed just a few great moments captured by Mohammed Hersi within the last four months.

Also on Mohammed Hersi - click to read
Alfajiri -