The Divine Dance of Diani

The Divine Dance of Diani is a great story of humankind. Though work of fiction, it is set within a background of ideas designed to make sense of the world and our place in it - but these are big ideas. Ideas that make you think. It brings life to ideas that may at first seem mind boggling yet closely analyzed, are but our day to day reality.

I walk along our beaches at the coast finally having fully grasped something fulfilling about the universe. I now realize that everything, from the smallest atoms to the biggest galaxies, is governed by one simple event –motion. Why is everything moving? I need not know that exactly but what I do know is that mysteries, adventures and motions are the things of communication that promote achievement of the perfect desire of evolution. The shift in waves is represented by the basic movements of resonance and harmony. A continuous music. If everything in creation is waves of music, no wonder life and the universe are mere reflections of microscopic particles engaged in an endless dance choreographed by the laws of the universe. Even the feelings of joy, sorrow or boredom are a chemical dance of hormones, magnetic fields and the mingling of molecules and atoms in the brain. Life, death and all patterns of creation move in vibrations too. Even space and time, the arena in which we spend our lives, are not really what we see but projections coming from something far deeper and more mysterious; the spectrum of our collective thoughts. Eventually, this arena will disappear and reappear as something else.

When the dance stops, everything returns to the great ocean of oneness. Through the power of our love, we participate in creation as we are all here in the service of universal art to give rise to beauty and to enjoy all that has been manifested. We are gods and goddesses in embryo waiting to be born the moment we desire to create. This is our reason. The intent of life! The very purpose of the universe. The power of the human mind should be explored. It conceals more surprises than can ever be imagined. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love and to share. This is a precious moment, but it is transient. It is a little afterthought in eternity. If we share with caring light heartedness and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then the moment will have been worthwhile. And probably there may never be the need to ask, why are we here?” I feel its rhythm and tune merging all the time with the grand cosmic dance of the universe. There is no two; there is only one and no one else. All is perfection, all is harmony. Words were all I had for you. Compared to eternity – It’s just mote of dust dancing in a beam of light. The dance can not end, even when the lights are shut off.

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