Sunday 14 December 2014

This Is What sound OM looks like

All mystical tradition refer to the divine word, that is the word uttered by God when creating the the beginning of time. Language is used primarily to express thoughts or emotions and it constitute a mean of communication between people. However, it is believed certain sounds possess a mystical power.

Mantras generally take a form of a word (or words) with a specific meaning that is drawn from a religious text. Their effects are not really based on their intonation, but rather on their repetition. Mantras are generally held in eastern religions. One of the most well-known is OM MANI PADME HUM – which literally means “the jewel within the lotus’ here the jewel symbolizes the wisdom of God, and the lotus the human soul personality.

For Hindus and Buddhist, the word AUM signifies the divine Breath from which emanates all matter, space, and the invisible world. The vowel sound AUM and OM produces the same vocal effect.
There exist a close correspondence between the word AUM and OM, AMEN. Indeed in a liturgical context, all three mean “Through god’s power or” in the name of God.”

In all Vedic text, the sound OM is considered to be a sacred syllable as it represents the word itself, designated in Sanskrit by the name Omkara. For Hindus and Buddhist, the sound represent the unity of GOD and the essence of creation.

It is therefore concluded from a traditional viewpoint, the sound OM is the expression of the omniscient, Omnipresence and Omnipotent of the divinity. It is the representation of the cosmic whole and all that has neither the beginning nor end.

I’m therefore not surprised by the formation of the patterns above in the link.

the above might interest you. Above all this would interest Pythagoras and Democritus - (Greek philosophers who lived more than 400 BC)a great deal if they was to literally rise up right now and see this posts.

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