Saturday 28 January 2017

I'm an Angry Man ..

There is more to life than politics. Politics is not all there is. This is a statement, unfortunately very hard for my fellow brothers and sister to grasp. And the 4th Estate too. But I can exempt the media in this. They are in business and they have to sell. Observe that 90% of what is being churned out of the media will in one way or another produce some anger and fear – this results to some adrenalin in your systems rising beyond certain norm in order to be, as is expected what we call protective and self-preservation mode. Also observe –when there is no bad news – you will say media is boring and you will not engage. Politician know this too well too. They seldom tell you nice things. They want to anger you and offer rhetoric of having solutions.

Have you ever been so angry and really wondered what you can really do? I’m in a cross-road and one of the things I would like to do is write to you from the boiling guts of myself. By now you must have somehow figured out – I’m an unhappy man.

Today I want to make you angry – but positive anger that may n the end make you start to think.

A minority of population have made deliberate efforts to ignore politics. And you know what? They have all the reasons to. Most, if not all politicians, church leaders and other people in privileged positions of influencing humanity – are sincerely not honest. This is either out of ignorance through limited knowledge of the truth or schemers who take advantage for material advances and influence while in such temporarly positions – most of the time influenced as a result of democratic elections or political appointment etc.

The masses unfortunately and unknowingly are hypnotized and brainwashed to believe they are nobody without politicians or leaders of organized faith. When it comes to politics, they are made to believe that all the predicaments affecting their lives are as a result of the political divide – that is the opposing forces of the day. So we end up operation in a trance that is well engraved in our subconscious – people on the other side of the river are bad. On matters of organized faith – A majority have formed commercial enterprises in the name of faith and have used organized faith to take advantage of the never-ending spiritual hungry masses. We are also indirectly and systematically told that those, who follow belief xyz are bad and we of this other side are the blessed ones. Check – It is also written in book abc that we are the ones.

So you have those who are perpetually opposing and winning the hearts of the broken hearts as a result of the promised land of comfort with ever flowing milk and honey.

Take it this way – if you have no food and someone convinces you, he or she will assure you food if you do this and that- you will surely be hopeful and follow. After all it is better to have hope than none. Politicians know this too well too. They toy with our minds and thoughts. They drain our adrenalin out and we are in perpetual fear and anger mode.

Then there are those in power who would do anything to convince you – if it were not for them, we would be worse of.. “We are doing great for you and if you give us another chance, we will do much more.”

Whatever the opposite sides provides – unfortunately it becomes the belief, the living faith and their truth. Nothing can ever change the two masses.

This saddens me because – the majority from both opposing sides can never realize it’s all an illusion. There is not real truth in all what they call their truth.

However – did you know you can revisit yourself and appreciate as an individual that you can use your god given power within you to make all the difference you want?

Allow me to mention corruption as a social ill for instance.

Many parents in the past for many years would buy exam papers in form of leakages so that their children can pass exams. I need not over emphasize that this is cheating and provides opportunity of excluding the very best from leading us in future. Yet these parents are most of the time very angry that our country is plagued with corruption culture. Business people in the transport industry wake up every morning knowing today, they will set aside some amount of money to give to the traffic policeman xyz so that they work in peace. Legally or illegally, they want space. Sad isn’t it?

We are unfortunately and very sad a corrupt society – no matter how little, quantity on corruption does not matter,. Corruption is corruption. This is our way of life – so real than our habit has entered into our unguarded subconscious – the powerhouse that controls us. We can steal or be a little corrupt – but when it is so much –we get angry. My foot…

Let me explain this a little bit – if you are a smoker, do you recall the first time you tried to smoke? Your body rejected it. You coughed or even felt some allergy. But after trying several times, you convinced your self-smoking is good and yourself has forever reminded you to smoke when you forget. Something unguarded in you took over and you do not need to think it just happens. That is what I mean by unguarded subconscious. The culture of kitu kidogo is in our fabrics.

Sadly – our society is so sick that likes are attracting each other. The great forces are sucking in the fewer good ones. After all isn’t that the way democracy works? Majority taking the day? This is why I forever have issues with democracy. It is the greatest con humanity ever invented. History is very clear. It is written on the wall the blunders we have made because of doubting the minority. Galileo – told us the earth is not the center of the universe. The church and almost all the learned astronomers of the time persecuted him. In the end – we now know Galileo was very true. Same thing happened to Copernicus and even as recently as 2000 year ago – the son of a carpenter from Nazareth.

Let me give you a story.

One day- some years back in some land far away, there lived a son of a carpenter. He lived with the poor and went about doing his day to day thing.
Then one day – as if the voice from God had penetrated his soul and connected with his heart within, the Son of the Carpenter laid aside the tools of his father’s craft, and, went forth into the world, and said to the people, as he met them on the highway, or saw them bending under the hot sun, in the rich man’s fields, or peeped through the windows. He said words that stirred the hearts of the people. They followed the young man by thousands; at times by the shore, other times on the slope of the mountain side, and even the desert woods, he talked to them, as much with his heart. Great words such as ‘God is our Father, and all men are his children.’ At last, after a brief mission of three years— he died; I need not tell you how!

Before his death, the son of the carpenter gave the message to his people, that Religion consisted not in palaces or jails, nor in Priests and Kings, nor in churches, or costly ceremonials, but— mark the simplicity of the carpenter’s Son’s words — in Loving one another. He said to mankind great words such as, God is our Father.

We have many great people who have left a mark of history in our midst. worth mentioning - When the scientists first put the Sun in the center of the Solar System and sent the earth spinning around it, there was immense surprise and dismay. The whole idea was self-evidently false; nothing was more certain than the movement of the Sun across the sky, and anyone could see it rose from the east and descended in the eastern hills. Scholars express violent uncontrollable anger and scientists rejected the idea as absurd, yet the evidence has finally carried conviction in the minds of all.

Yet with few exemptions,  the motivations of those who have risen to acknowledged leadership have been a love of humanity and a recognition of principles of true religion which they sought to bring to a more vivid realization. Gandhi worth mentioning is such a person who never had a political position but touched the hearts of many – That a lot can be achieved with non-violence even in the extreme of opposing circumstances.

We do not have to 100% depend upon politicians and religions in order to know the grandest mysteries of God; for the heavens are open. If we commit as an individual to the law of love and doing good from our heart, it will spread to the next person, the family community and the country. Let us reform ourselves and be sincere. Everything else will come into play.

I’m a true believer that our best will not be accomplished by social or political revolutions nor by the destruction of one group by another, but by the evolution, the re-formation of the man himself through the acceptance of the true Law which governs human relationship. To benefit one at the cost of another does not enrich him whom we seek to benefit, for no real benefit may come to him that he has not earned. Consequently, his gain at the loss of another would inevitably reflect to his ultimate loss since the Law of Compensation will again take from him that which is not truly his. Man— the individual— must reform himself. We must learn and apply the Law of Personal Responsibility. We must come to the understanding of that Law under which alone true democracy can function and we must recognize and apply it in its true aspect, that of love – no matter what, individual beliefs are.

Let us above all spend more energy focusing on the cause of our conditions rather than spending so much time on the effect. In this way, we will go to the bottom and root cause.

Yes, it can work – it is not a utopian world I’m advocating. Our dealings must be on the basis of fair exchange. We may neither take nor accept that which we have not earned unless our exchanges for it something of equal value. We must know that whatever we take to ourselves that has not been earned,  the Law of compensation itself will again take from us in some manner or other.  

This is a true reformation of man. It is a government of himself against the urge of his baser animal nature and until reformation is accomplished by the individual reforming or transforming himself, all other attempts at reformation by civil, social or religious means ultimately will fail.

We are created beyond measure in the image of our father. Be still and listen to the wonderful gods and goddesses in embryo waiting to be born within our inner self.

Paul Kihiu Njuguna 
Diani, Kenya.

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