Monday 3 February 2014

Drinking A little too much of Alcohol

Current recommendations suggest that men should drink no more than three to four units (of 4% per bottle) of alcohol per day, and women no more than three units per day. You should also have several alcohol free days per week so that, overall, men consume no more than 21 units per week, and women more than 14 units. Note most wines have stronger alcohol between 10 to 15% alcohol. A bottle of wines may contain 8 to 11 bottles of alcohol content in an average beer.

The form of alcohol that seems most beneficial for health, in moderation is red wine. which is a rich source of antioxidants. According to experts, wine should be drunk in moderation with food rather than on its own. worth noting – while a low to moderate intake is beneficial in reducing stress and possible coronary heart diseases, excess is harmful to health. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver to a chemical that is poisonous and can damage liver, brain and heart muscle cells.

If alcohol intake remains excessive, fatty degeneration occurs as liver cells drop their normal housekeeping metabolic reaction and work overtime to eliminate alcohol from the body.
Treatment. B group vitamins are needed for energy production in liver cells and for the metabolism of alcohol. A vitamin B complex supplement is therefore a good idea for anyone who drinks alcohol regularly, and is often given by injection to people with alcoholic liver diseases who are admitted to hospitals.

Globe artichoke has liver degenerating and protective properties. Its flesh leaves contain several unique properties. It protects the liver from toxins such as alcohol and has beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. Get familiar to it. It is available in our markets.

Women who are pregnant or planning to be should ideally avoid alcohol altogether.
Heavy drinkers also have an increased risk of death from road accidents, suicide, certain cancers, stroke, and weakened heart muscles, inflation of the pancreas and cirrhosis of the liver.


some confusing facts 

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