Tuesday 7 January 2014

Who is this man? Mohammed Hersi

My mentor and father once taught us a Rudyard Kipling (1836-1936) poem called IF. One of the line simply stated - If you can walk with kings and still keep touch with common man ... yours is the world and everything in it. I easily place Mohammed Hersi perfectly on this line.Kind, determined and ambitious are all but a few characteristics I would use to describe a most influential person whose path I have walked on. There is however one quality that stands out, that quality is the ability to lead and stir passion among his team. 

Born and raised in a village at the very outskirt of Kenya facing numerous obstacles, he has always been determined to become someone the world will never forget. I have known Mohammed Hersi for than 20 years and we have impacted on each other’s lives tremendously. I have learnt from him that human values can exist in a working environment no matter how challenging. And the greatest of all lesson – Passion is doing what you are doing, when no one is watching you to excellence. Hersi is the CEO of Heritage hotels with over 20 years experience as a seasoned hotelier in Kenya’s hospitality industry. His previous role was at Sarova Hotels, Resorts & Lodges as regional general manager of the 338 bedroom Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa, along with two lodges in Tsavo  - Sarova Salt Lick and Sarova Taita, known for offering refreshing African hospitality second to none.


  1. My Mentor and great Friend ............I salute you!

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    1. My Daughter Tracy there with a killer smile to President Kagame.........thanks Paul

  3. A seasoned Hotelier, a true mentor.

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  5. He will remain a spot light to many. May the almighty Allah give you more strength.
