Friday 31 January 2014

Pomegranate - fruits in our Wild

Pomegranate commonly grows in coast and is occasionally found in the market during the season. The fleshy seed casing contains a ruby colored juice containing vitamin C, carotenoids, and unique antioxidant tannins called punicalgins, catechins, gallocatechins, ellagic acid and anthocyanins.

Laboratory studies suggest that pomegranate juice reduces the development of arthrosclerosis, lower blood pressure and has beneficial effects of the elasticity of arterial wall and against prostate cancer cells.

It has the following benefits -
Erectile dysfunction
Dental plaque
Coronary heart diseases
Chronic obstructive airways diseases

1 comment:

  1. they have a positive impact on the list. Was hoping interested readers will further look at it. I’m not an authority on this. Only sharing.
    Erectile dysfunction – it improves sexual function.
    Dental plaque – have an inhibitory on the bacteria causing plaque and may help to reduce tooth decay.
    Coronary heart diseases – daily consumption of juice can improve stress-induced myocardial ischemia.
    Chronical obstructive airway disease – Although antioxidants will not affect loss of lung structure, they might be expected to reduce inflammation and improve bronchitis. Further clinical trails is required.
